A Corona Cycle
I‘m very interested in exhibitions that engage in a critical view of the so called “Corona-Pandemia“. Please contact me if you think my work will fit in!

“Burning” or „You cant’t compare it”/«La la combustión» o «Esto no se puede comparar»/„Verbrennung” oder „Kann man nicht vergleichen”; April 2021
All images may be used freely with notion of the source (“Subhash, CC by-nd 4.0, https://fineart-fotografie.at”) and the title and are published with a Creative-Commons-License . High resolutions download:
- „Corona actions 2/Corona medidas 2/Corona-Maßnahmen 2” (white background! 3918 x 9072 px—9 MB)
- „The Coronoiac/El Coronoico/Der Coronoiker” (5374 x 5374 px— 4.5 MB)
- „Lockdown” (3336 x 3336 px—1.4 MB)
- „Ghost elephants/Elephantes fantásticos/Geisterelefanten” (1443 x 3950 px—2.5 MB)
- „Solidarity/Solidaridad/Solidarität” (6048 x 8064 px—26.1 MB)
- „Burning” or „You cant’t compare it”/«La la combustión» o «Esto no se puede comparar»/„Verbrennung” oder „Kann man nicht vergleichen” (3024 x 4032 px—2.7 MB)
- „The Making Of Corona” (3224 x 4030 px—4.7 MB)
- „The Making Of Corona” (6448 x 8060 px—17,6 MB)
- „Vaccination sets you free! ¡La vacuna hace libre! Impfen macht frei!” (7842 x 5881 px—14,1 MB)
- „Vertrauen 2023/Faith 2023/Confianza 2023” (4000 x 3000 px—2,7 MB)
*) „Ghost elephants/Elephantes fantásticos/Geisterelefanten” refers to a joke:
Sitting on a park bench a man clapps in his hands every 10 seconds vigorously. Another one passes, wonders at the events and asks what it is all about.—
“I cast out the elephants.”—
“But… there is no single elephant!”—
“There you are!”