Last Exhibition
Gallery DerSammer – Rahmen • Kunst • Glas
Opening: 29. October ’15 19:00
End: Fr, 18. December ’15
Florianigasse 6
A-3910 ZwettlRead more
Gallery DerSammer – Rahmen • Kunst • Glas
Opening: 29. October ’15 19:00
End: Fr, 18. December ’15
Florianigasse 6
A-3910 ZwettlRead more
The photo presentation “Oben und unten” (“Above and below”) was shot during a 14 day stay as artist in residence in Haugsdorf and surrounding (Lower Austria). Then it was completed in my studio in the Waldviertel.Read more
kunstfabrik et al.
4. – 6. September ’15
opening 2015-09-04 17h
3812 Groß Siegharts, AustriaRead more
Group exhibition
11. July (opening 18:00) – 28. August ’15
Do, Fr 15–19
Gleichgewicht Galerie
Hauptstaße 13
2265 Drösing, Austria
Group exhibition
30. May (opening 18:00) – 4. July ’15
Fr 15–18, Sa 10–15
Hauptstaße 79, Beethovenhaus
2340 Mödling, AustriaRead more
Photography is the only language, that can be misunderstood all around the world.