Previous exhibition
Group exhibition
Vernissage: 2. December ’16, 19:00
Gallery AugenBlick
Marktplatz 27/first floor
3470 Kirchberg am Wagram
Group exhibition
Vernissage: 2. December ’16, 19:00
Gallery AugenBlick
Marktplatz 27/first floor
3470 Kirchberg am Wagram
1. August to 31. October 2016
Gallery Dr. Messner
Mühlenweg 42
78647 Trossingen
A catalog will be published, which doesn’t show the exhibited works only but also a summery of my work in the field of abstract photography until now.
Piano and recorder: Pia Søndergaard
Piano: Gabriele Riedel
Photography and visuals: Subhash
19. February ’16, start: 7 pm
Projections on the front of the “Lichtspiele” in Allentsteig (Waldviertel, Lower Austria) can currently be seen. I contributed some short videos and pictures. The projections run in December 2015 from nightfall till 10pm until Christmas with rotative subjects.
Gallery DerSammer – Rahmen • Kunst • Glas
Opening: 29. October ’15 19:00
End: Fr, 18. December ’15
Florianigasse 6
A-3910 Zwettl
Photography is the only language, that can be misunderstood all around the world.